The cottage village in central Ukraine is looking for investors to create a rehabilitation and recreation
complex at its base (target groups: people who have suffered a stroke, suffer from spinal cord
dysfunction, as well as patients with head injuries). The complex covers 51046 hectares. Nine out of
19 cottages have been built; the size of each varies from 320 to 380 m2. All buildings are built with
environmentally friendly construction materials. Adjacent garden plots of 10-12 acres with a state
document of ownership (?) are available. Half of the village is occupied by a green space: ponds,
ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, flower beds. The area is equipped with playgrounds and sports
grounds, a football field and volleyball and basketball courts. The area is given round-the-clock
security protection.
If you are interested in cooperation, please contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Israel-Ukraine.